Cheese Nutrition: An Essential Information, Highly Beneficial for the Body!

 | 5 Minutes read

Who doesn’t know cheese? It’s one of the most popular dairy products. Its variety allows it to be used in various types of dishes. However, it’s quite often to find negative perspectives about foods containing cheese. Usually, these negative perspectives are related to the amount of calories and fat consumed.

But, if cheese is consumed in appropriate portions, each intake can be highly beneficial for the body. In fact, cheese can also be an option food during dieting.

In this article, we will explore the nutritional content of cheese, which is undoubtedly very beneficial for our bodies. Keep reading!

What Is Cheese Made From?

Before we dive into the nutritional content of cheese, it’s worth understanding what cheese is made from.

Cheese is the result of fermented and coagulated milk. Fresh milk, the main raw material for cheese, is prepared by heating it to a certain temperature. This heating process also serves to eliminate harmful bacteria that are not needed.

Next, the fermentation process is carried out by adding beneficial bacteria cultures to convert lactose into lactic acid. The enzyme that is used for coagulation is rennet. Rennet is useful for coagulating the milk’s casein protein.

Once the coagulation is done, the milk separates into solids (curd) and liquid (whey). The separation of curd and whey is also a crucial step in cheese making, as it affects the final texture and consistency of the cheese.

After separation, the curd undergoes further processes such as washing, cutting, salting, and more. These subsequent processes are adjusted according to the desired type of cheese, such as cheddar, parmesan, or mozzarella.

Finally, the cheese undergoes maturation for several days, weeks, or even years before being packaged.

That’s a brief overview of how cheese is formed from fresh milk. It’s important to note that the quality of milk will affect the quality of the cheese itself.

Nutrients Contained in Cheese

Milk is one of the main dietary intakes that have many benefits for the body, and the same goes for cheese. The nutritional content of cheese is quite similar to milk. 

So, what are they? According to the discussion in the Nutrients in Dairy and their Implication on Health and Disease journal, the nutritional content of cheese includes protein, fat, minerals, and vitamins. Let’s delve into the explanations and benefits!

1. Protein

First is protein. Maybe, it’s been common knowledge that milk is rich in protein, and so is cheese, which is one of the dairy products.

Protein is a macronutrient required by the body in large amounts. It can be found in every cell in the body. Its role is crucial in maintaining bone, muscle, and tissue health.

Daily protein intake may vary for each individual. It’s important to ensure that daily protein intake is met. However, don’t worry! The Laughing Cow can help you meet your protein needs because each type of cheese from The Laughing Cow contains the necessary protein for the body.

2. Fat

Besides protein, fat is also one of the macronutrients present in cheese. Fat is a substance needed by cells and tissues in the body as an energy source.

Negative perspectives about fat often arise. However, if consumed in the right amount, fat can be very beneficial for overall body health.

To ensure that the amount of fat intake into the body remains balanced, you can consume cheese from The Laughing Cow, whose nutrition is carefully measured in each portion.

3. Calcium

Thirdly, there’s calcium. Cheese is one of the foods high in calcium. Calcium is a mineral that plays a crucial role in supporting bone and tooth strength. It’s known that 99% of calcium is stored in bones. Each individual has their own daily calcium requirement based on their age.

Consuming cheese can help you and your family members meet daily calcium needs, such as consuming The Laughing Cow Belcube. Each serving of Belcube cheese contains 18% of reference minimum intake for calcium!

Okay, now you know why consuming cheese is very beneficial for the body. The nutrients in cheese are not to be underestimated!

However, it’s important to emphasize that cheese should be consumed in accordance with portions or needs. Negative effects of cheese consumption can arise when the amount consumed is excessive. Remember, not everything in excess is necessarily good.

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