Delicious and
Snackable Cheese.
Fulfill your little one’s nutritional needs with snacks from The Laughing Cow Cheese. Explore a variety of modern and delicious cheese-based recipes that are both practical and delicious for Moms.
Our Products
Get to know the healthy variations of The Laughing Cow’s cheese that easy-to-prepare for your family’s snack.
recipe inspiration
Discover inspiration for easy and healthy cooking recipes that utilize simple ingredients. By using The Laughing Cow cheese in your snacks, you can create joyful moments with your little ones.
Telur Isi dengan Krim Keju
Telur merupakan makanan ringan yang kaya akan protein, tetapi makan telur dengan cara biasa bisa membosankan. Mencampur kuning telur dengan The Laughing Cow Cheese Spread in Tub menghasilkan camilan yang bisa menjadi andalan Anda.
Cara Memasak
Potong telur menjadi dua memanjang dan masukkan kuning telur ke dalam mangkuk, berhati-hatilah agar putih telur tidak pecah.
Tambahkan satu sendok The Laughing Cow Cheese Spread in Tub ke dalam kuning telur dan aduk hingga menjadi pasta halus.
Sendok adonan ke dalam kulit putih telur dan taburi dengan sedikit selada.
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Grilled cheese sandwich merupakan sandwich yang popular dengan kombinasi roti panggang dan keju yang meleleh. Apakah anda tertarik mengetahui rahasia membuat grilled cheese sandwich yang sempurna? Tambahkan The Laughing Cow Cheese Slice – Toast yang mudah meleleh dan menambahkan rasa asin yang pas pada sandwich.
Cara Memasak
Letakan The Laughing Cow Original Cheese Slice Toast di antara 2 potong roti
Taburkan beberapa serpihan cabai (opsional)
Masukkan ke dalam panggangan
Experience joy in every moment with the delicious cheese from The Laughing Cow. Discover our serving inspiration and make us a part of your little one’s daily menu.
Our interesting stories
We share information and knowledge about cheese and its benefits for your health.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Where can I find your products?
Cheese is a source rich in nutrients and has health benefits for the body, including sources of protein, calcium, vitamin B12 and probiotics.
The following products from The Laughing Cow are not halal-certified: The Laughing Cow Cheese Spread, 8 triangles, 140g The Laughing Cow Selection Cheese Spread, 8 triangles, 140g The Laughing Cow Cheese Spread in Tub, 200g
Yes, apart from the products mentioned above, the rest of The Laughing Cow product range is certified by Halal Quality Control, a halal certification authority based in Europe. The company has obtained nearly all international Halal accreditations, ensuring compliance with rigorous halal standards.
The Laughing Cow cheese is considered safe for consumption by babies aged 6 months and older. However, it is recommended to consult with your family doctor or pediatrician who can provide specific guidance based on your baby’s health and dietary needs.
We recommend consuming our products by the date on the package.